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Deer Park Family Dentistry Blog

Negative Effects of Over-the-Counter Teeth Whitening

August 14, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — deerpark @ 1:12 am
Woman after professional teeth whitening

Everyone wants to have beautiful white teeth to show off when they smile and laugh. You see bright smiles on TV and in movies all of the time. This is achievable, but over the counter whitening products probably aren’t the best option for you to meet your smile goals. Continue reading to learn more about teeth whitening and what negative effects drug store products can have on your teeth.


How a Healthy Mouth Keeps Your Immune System Strong

July 7, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — deerpark @ 4:55 pm
Closeup of smiling man with great oral health and immune system

Everyone knows that keeping your mouth clean is essential for achieving and maintaining a beautiful smile. However, your oral health influences much more than the appearance of your pearly whites! A growing amount of research indicates that the wellbeing of your mouth has a significant influence on the rest of your body as well as your risk of systemic diseases. Read on to find out how a clean smile can boost your immune system and improve your overall health.


5 Ways Social Distancing at the Dentist in Possible

June 25, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — deerpark @ 8:21 pm

Stop the spread of COVID-19 at the dentist. Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, you’ve spent more time at home because social distancing is essential to stopping the spread of the virus. The CDC recommends limiting face-to-face contact with others to avoid being exposed to coronavirus while also preventing the transmission of the virus to others, especially for asymptomatic people. It’s recommended you stay at least 6 feet apart from others; however, how is that possible if you need to see your dentist? Believe it or not, your dentist has implemented several changes to encourage social distancing in the office.


Wondering How a Dentist Cleans Their Equipment During the COVID-19 Pandemic?

May 11, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — deerpark @ 10:24 am
Woman getting an exam from a dentist

Many patients have questions about the sanitation and sterilization practices used by their dentist, and during the COVID-19 crisis, those questions are even more common. First, rest assured that dentists complete infection control training in school and have always been required to follow recommendations from the Centers For Disease Control & Prevention and the American Dental Association. And, right now, they’re going above and beyond to lower your risk of exposure to harmful bacteria and viruses as much as possible! Keep reading below for specifics on how instruments are sterilized, surfaces are sanitized, and equipment is cleaned to keep you and your family safe at every visit.


Are There Different Types of Toothaches?

April 7, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — deerpark @ 5:36 pm

Woman with a toothache needing an emergency dentist.There is nothing worse than a toothache, but they are quite common. While you might believe an occasional toothache is normal, it can often indicate a larger issue, like a cavity. Although you might think all toothaches are the same, they can cause different types of pain. Paying attention to your discomfort can help determine what’s causing the problem and what can be done to stop it. Here are the most common types of toothaches to help you get the relief you need.


Learn What Precautions Dentists Are Taking to Prevent the Spread of COVID-19

March 17, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — deerpark @ 2:27 am
a team of both men and women dental professionals in a line and smiling

You’re at home and suddenly faced with a serious dental emergency. Realizing that social distancing is what you should be doing, you wonder if going to the dentist is a good idea. After calling the office and explaining your situation, they recommend you come in as soon as possible. But is it safe? How do you know you won’t contract it while having your teeth fixed? Before you begin to hesitate about taking the appropriate measures to address your dental emergency, hear from a local dentist who can explain what precautions are being taken to protect both staff and patients from the spread of COVID-19.


The Surprising Importance of Healthy Gums

March 2, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — deerpark @ 8:20 pm
Close up of gum examination

Gum disease is a problem that affects about half of the current US population, however it rarely gets talked about. February is National Gum Disease Awareness month, which is a much-needed effort to increase recognition of this oral health issue. If caught early on, this infection can be reversed, however when it persists, you may need gum disease treatment in Deer Park. Keep reading to learn more about gum disease, it’s warning signs, and how you can prevent it!


Smart Facts About Wisdom Tooth Extraction

January 28, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — deerpark @ 5:54 pm
Dental X-ray highlighting four wisdom teeth coming in crooked

Even though the name makes them sound impressive and important, humans don’t really need their wisdom teeth anymore. Once used for grinding roots and meat, the evolution of our diet over time has rendered them unnecessary. While a small percentage of the population will have healthy, functioning wisdom teeth or simply not develop them at all, most of us will need to have these primitive molars extracted. If you’ll soon be contributing to the nearly 10 million third molars that are pulled every year, here are some important facts about removing wisdom teeth in Deer Park.


Do You Need Antibiotics Before Dental Work?

December 6, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — deerpark @ 2:55 pm
antibiotics description sitting underneath pills and a syringe

Do you need antibiotics before dental work that you’re about to have completed? Certain patients may be at a higher risk of developing bacterial infections after treatment, which is why the American Dental Association and American Heart Association both recommend that patients with certain medical conditions and risk factors take antibiotics before their treatment. However, it’s not something that’s recommended for every patient. Read on to learn whether you should consider antibiotics before your dental procedure and how the process works.


What is Periodontal Disease?

November 18, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: — deerpark @ 3:52 pm

gum diseaseMany people think tooth decay is the only threat to their smile, but there might be another danger lingering in your mouth. Gum disease is the leading cause of tooth loss, despite it being preventable. In fact, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates at least 50% of adults have a form of the condition. If you have periodontal disease, time is of the utmost importance. With the right care at the first sign of the infection, your dentist can save your smile from any long-term complications.


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