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The Surprising Importance of Healthy Gums

March 2, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — deerpark @ 8:20 pm
Close up of gum examination

Gum disease is a problem that affects about half of the current US population, however it rarely gets talked about. February is National Gum Disease Awareness month, which is a much-needed effort to increase recognition of this oral health issue. If caught early on, this infection can be reversed, however when it persists, you may need gum disease treatment in Deer Park. Keep reading to learn more about gum disease, it’s warning signs, and how you can prevent it!

What is Gum Disease?

Gum disease is an infection and inflammation of the gums that is typically caused by poor dental hygiene. The earliest stage is gingivitis, which can be completely reversed with a good oral healthcare routine and regular dental visits. However, if left untreated, gum disease can progress into more advanced stages that cause permanent tissue damage, bone deterioration, and even tooth loss. Gum disease has even been linked to increased risks of diabetes, heart attacks, strokes, and certain cancers.

Warning Signs of Gum Disease

Because gum disease can be reversed in its earlier stages, it’s vital that you’re able to recognize the common signs and symptoms, including:

  • Swollen or puffy gums
  • Tender or sensitive gums
  • Gums that bleed when brushing and flossing
  • Bad breath
  • Teeth that appear longer
  • Changes in bite

If you notice any of these warning signs, please contact our office right away for treatment!

Smile-Saving Treatment

If you are showing signs of gum disease, don’t worry—there are treatments available. The most common solution is called scaling and root planing, which starts with a thorough cleaning of your entire smile. Your dentist will be sure to carefully remove any plaque and tartar buildup from above and beneath the gumline. Then, they will reach under your gums to smooth out the tooth roots, making it much harder for debris and bacteria to collect in the future. This procedure can also be combined with antibiotics for more serious cases. However, if your gum disease has persisted into the advanced stage, you may need surgery to stop the infection.

How to Stay Healthy

Thankfully, gum disease and the problems it causes can be completely prevented if you can follow these easy steps:

  • Regular dental visits: It’s important to see your dentist so they can prevent and detect infection before it becomes serious. This also gives your hygienist a chance to remove tartar that can’t be cleaned at home.
  • Brushing: Brush your teeth twice a day for two minutes each session. Be sure to angle the brush head at 45 degrees on the gumline for a thorough cleaning.
  • Flossing: Floss once a day to remove lingering food debris from in between your teeth.
  • Healthy lifestyle choices: Avoid using tobacco products and heavy consumption of alcohol because these habits put you at risk of gum disease.

Are you ready to have a healthy smile during National Gum Disease Awareness Month and beyond? Keep this useful information in mind.

About the Practice

At Deer Park Family Dentistry, we have a team of 3 dentists who combine their knowledge and training to create amazing dental experiences for their patients. If you have any questions or notice symptoms of gum disease, we can be reached through our website or by phone at (281) 479-2841.  

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